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Terrarium DIY

Updated on February 16, 2015

I was always captivated by the small gardens inclosed in glass. Absolutely amazing.

I remember reading how the first terrarium was created. An explorer who discovered in the amazonian jungle the orchids, decided to transport the plants to Europe. Unfortunately in that era the only transportation between the two continents was by boat. More exactly a really long time.

Because of the long time those plants were spending on the boat, the lack of water, proper caring, etc the plants died. So this explorer decided to create small glass houses for each plants, and guess what? The orchids reached Europe and thrived.

All of the sudden the ideea of a terrarium became even more tempting. I researched the issue and built a few, eventually I decided to make this tutorial and share my experience.

Before you decide to build your terrarium I sugest you think about how you want it to look.

The first terrarium I made was a small landscape, it was supposed to be a retreat, a small house on a hill surrounded by forest; under the house a small pond and meadow. The one I made it for, because yes it was a gift, has a very busy life, besides the yearly vacation he never has enough time to go out and relax. The terrarium was supposed to create this place inside hes house, so he could enjoy some peace and quiet before going to sleep after a long day of work.

Step1: Find a theme for your terrarium

Step2: Research plants that can live together and enjoy the same watering and sun regiment.

Step3: Get the materials and plants to build it.

Prepare all the irems on a talbe. If you are doing this operations inside make sure you should line the workarea with newspaper
Prepare all the irems on a talbe. If you are doing this operations inside make sure you should line the workarea with newspaper
Clean the container with water and dry it with, making sure you remove any residue the container may have on.  Add the pebles or the glass peaces on the bottom, cerefull not to crack the container.
Clean the container with water and dry it with, making sure you remove any residue the container may have on. Add the pebles or the glass peaces on the bottom, cerefull not to crack the container.
Add the coachol on top of the pebles. I have experimented with ceramic  balls with the same results. This two layers are here for draining and filtering the excess water that will at some point  rcircuit inside the terrarium.
Add the coachol on top of the pebles. I have experimented with ceramic balls with the same results. This two layers are here for draining and filtering the excess water that will at some point rcircuit inside the terrarium.
Add a layer of soil  over the pebles and spray some water over it, on top of this layer you will be sdding the plants so a proper  watering is advised.
Add a layer of soil over the pebles and spray some water over it, on top of this layer you will be sdding the plants so a proper watering is advised.
I chose for this terarium a jewell orchid. I sugest you take out the plant from the plastic pot and put it in the terarium on the soil layer without making any changes to it.
I chose for this terarium a jewell orchid. I sugest you take out the plant from the plastic pot and put it in the terarium on the soil layer without making any changes to it.
Once you finished adding all the plants on the first layer of soil add soil around them  tapping the soil gently without compacting it too much. You may add if you wish moss overt he soil after you spray the soil with plenty of water.
Once you finished adding all the plants on the first layer of soil add soil around them tapping the soil gently without compacting it too much. You may add if you wish moss overt he soil after you spray the soil with plenty of water.
Now take a step back and relax. You are the proud owner of a terarium.
Now take a step back and relax. You are the proud owner of a terarium.

You will require :

  • a glass or plastic container
  • lid
  • pebles or glass
  • activated coachoL
  • plants
  • flower soil appropriate for the plants you plan on planting

Inctead of pebles and coachol I used with great results ceramic granules.

Of course my amazing orchid thrived in the terrarium and grew more than expectedand, eventually it required a new house.

Please ingore the unfinished hand sculpture and the mess in the kitchen, the angle I took the photo isn't the best.

The most important rule when building a terarium is Be creative.

I hope you found it useful and you will dare to make your own.


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